Settlers Two-Player Variant

by Jean-Yves and Florence Colin (questions and comments welcome)
edited by Tom Smith
In this variant, there are two real players and two fictional players. These fictional players do not play like normal players; they do not have pieces on the board and are not give resources cards. The rules presented here tell how to simulate the actions of the fictional players.


Lay out the board as normal, including the number counters. After the board is finished, you will remove parts of it to simulate the area used by the fictional players. Assign each side of the board a number 1-6, as shown below. Roll two dice and remove one row of three land hexes from each side that is rolled. This will remove six land hexes from the board, unless the two numbers are adjacent, in which case five land hexes will be removed. If doubles are rolled, remove two rows (one of three and one of four) from that side, for a total of seven land hexes removed.

The removed hexes are taken out of the game entirely, including their number counters. No settlement or city can be built on any corner that touches one of these removed hexes, and no roads can be built on their edges. This will make some ports unreachable, and they are effectively removed from the game.

If too many good numbers are removed by this roll, the players can agree to re-roll. This should only be done if all players agree. We recommend re-rolling if more than two `6´s or `8´s are removed.


Each real player takes their turn normally, including the initial placement of settlements. They cannot trade with the fictional players during their turns.

When the Robber is rolled, the player has the option of placing it on a hex that has been removed. This does not halt production on any hex, but the placing player gets a random card from the deck. Assign a number to each resource and roll one die. The player gets the resource that is rolled. If a `6´ is rolled, roll again.

When a player plays a Monopoly card, they receive 1d6-2 cards from each fictional player (roll two dice and subtract 2 from each number rolled, counting any negative number as `0´) in addition to any received from the opposing player.


After each player˜s turn, they conduct a turn for a fictional player. The fictional player rolls the dice as a normal player, potentially providing resources for the real players. If a fictional player rolls a `7,´ the real player with the lowest number of victory points (roll off if a tie) moves the robber to the hex of their choice and chooses one player who has built on that hex to lose a card. The stolen card, if any, is discarded.

After resolving the fictional player˜s roll, the fictional player offers a card for trade with the real players. Assign a number from 1-5 to each resource. The number rolled is the resource that is offered. If a 6 is rolled, the fictional player does not offer any resources this turn.

Any real player with less than 8 VPs can offer a resource card in exchange for the fictional player˜s card. The resource card can be any resource and must be revealed to the other player. If more than one real player offers a card for trade, either player can add another card to their offer. The player who offers the highest number of cards makes the trade. That player discards his card(s) and takes the offered card from the resource deck; the other player returns his card(s) to his hand. If both players offer the same number of resource cards in trade, the player with the lowest number of VPs at that time can make the trade. If both players tie for this as well, they roll and award the trade to the player who rolls higher. Neither player can alter their offer after the dice are rolled.


The game ends as normal, when a player has 10 VPs on their turn.

Page Updated: Nov. 11, 1996

©1996 Mayfair Games